Thursday, 17 September 2015

Quick Spotlight on First State Super

I've been meaning to write a quick post on First State Super having recently noticed their extremely low cost asset class choices.  A reader recently wrote asking about them, so here it is!

Their fees for the various diversified options are consistent with other industry funds and are more actively managed (keep in mind they add 0.15% p.a. as part of their administration fee).  But their Australian Equities, International Equities, Australian Fixed Interest and International Fixed Interest options are all managed by Vanguard and cost 0.05% - 0.15% p.a. (adding that 0.15% p.a. in administration fees brings it up to 0.20% - 0.30% p.a. in total % fees).

This provides another option for constructing your own asset allocation within Super.

Always remember to check your insurance needs and costs before switching, though.  I note that First State Super's Personal plan (i.e. if your employer doesn't automatically put you with them) does not appear to auto-approve Life and TPD Insurance, so if you want insurance from them be careful to make sure any existing insurance is kept until your new insurance is approved.

First State Super: 
Fees and Costs
Who Manages Your Super

Also a quick note to remind you that many super finds have recently updated their investment costs to reflect the year to June 2015 (or will do so soon).  There are mostly small changes with the couple of old favourites I checked but I do note that the HostPlus Indexed Balanced fund was down to 0.03% p.a. in fees last financial year.  Such value!

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